Channelling emotions

Quietly, step by step, the first draft of Age of Opppression is taking shape. My goal is to finish the first draft by the end of the year – which feels like a tall order at the moment especially as the section I’m working on is particularly challenging.

It isn’t that it is especially tricky […]

In pursuit of happiness

I few months ago I wrote a blog about how my life has been influenced by Mi365. Mi365 is a free online coaching programme with a different theme each week. Over the last couple of weeks the topic has been happiness. As a result, I’ve been reflecting on what makes me happy.

It will be […]

Effortless writing

I went on a retreat last weekend. It was the first time I’d done anything like that and I had no idea what to expect. I wasn’t sure if I’d be required to hug trees (scratchy), bare my soul (uncomfortable) or sit in silence (me? impossible!!!).

The topic was Effortless Living – something I could […]

Juggling the glass balls

My blog a couple of weeks ago was all about the beginnings of my life as a professional writer (All Change). It is exciting stuff and this week I even bit the bullet and created a page on the website for my copywriting services (Here).

Exciting – yes! But hard work too. I have a […]

Writing weather

Stormy skies

I’m gazing out of my window at grey skies and the threat of rain. A typical August Bank Holiday, in fact. With every cloud, however, there is a silver lining, as it has inspired me to blog about weather this week.

You’ll be glad to know that I’m not about to plunge into a […]

Working for a living; Writing for my future

I am a writer – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and I’m delighted that this is who I am. It gives me great satisfaction and the buzz when someone reads my work and gets something from it is immense. At the moment, however, it is not something that pays the bills. […]

All change

In the blink of an eye, my world has changed in the most exciting and scary and amazing ways.

As well as writing fiction, I’ve been helping a friend out over the last few months with some copywriting. It’s the kind of thing you do, as a writer and a friend. “Hey, Cate – could […]

Working with an illustrator – part 2

This is part two of a two part blog on working with an illustrator. Last week I discussed finding the right artist and commissioning artwork. This week, I’m discussing the next steps in the process – from receiving the artwork to publication. At this point, you should have received sketches from your artists and perhaps […]

Working with an illustrator – part 1

This is part one of a two part blog – as I wrote it I realised that I was going on a bit, so part two will be published next week!

The first of my charity books was released last week. Jan the Dragon was commissioned in April and written for a German boy (called […]

Guest Blog – An illustrators view

To mark the publication of Jan the Dragon my first charity book, I’ve asked Marianna Mooney, who illustrated it for me to write the blog this week.

I’m writing this to you guys on the eve of Jan’s epic release! It has been a weird week of phones breaking, replacing—the internet going faulty […]