Done it!

At 12.37 today, I finished the editing on my next book, Balance of Betrayal. To say the writing of this book has been a long process is an understatement – I actually started it in 2006. In fact, Twelve Moon-Cycles was never supposed to happen but when it was taking me too long to get to the point in Balance of Betrayal, I decided to split the book in two. But, now it is complete and, this afternoon I start the process of self-publishing.

It has been an eventful weekend, all told, for my life as an author. As well as finishing the book, yesterday I agreed the cover photography and, from it, the jacket colour I’ll be using. The photo I’m using was an idea from the incredible Jonathan Rew-Dixon, and was taken by my wonderful friend Clare Metcalfe (or it might have been Jonathan, since they sometimes swap cameras). Jonathan has touched up the photo and provided me a range of versions, with tints and filters. In the end, however, we settled on the original photo (although without the 21st century buildings in the background). I’m keeping the image secret for the moment – I’ll be launching it on my website on 12th March, I’ve decided.

That moment, yesterday, when I dropped the image onto the cover template and saw it for the first time was one of real excitement. I’m not sure I can explain how it feels when all your hard work starts to come to fruition. All of a sudden the book feels real somehow. I was dancing on air when I walked into town to get high quality prints done, so I could check how it all looked. Such a great feeling.

And as well as the book feeling real, so is my status as an author. This is me, this is what I can do, I am a writer. Such joy.

Cate Caruth is the author of the Bremmand Chronicles. To buy her books or learn more about them, go to

You can follow Cate on Twitter at

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