What went well?

Image of tree blossom

I’m currently reading Flourish by Martin Seligman. It is all about positive psychology and its application in a number of places. Scattered throughout the book are various very simple ideas and concepts which translate into every day life and which Seligman and his team have scientifically assessed for effectiveness.

The tool that forms the title […]

Inspiration is for amateurs

Image representing inspiration

Anyone who has been following my blogs for a while will know that I’m part of an online community called Mi365. You may even be a Mi365er yourself and, if you are, the title of this blog will be familiar to you. It is an idea which we’ve heard a few times.

Those who haven’t […]

Unleashing creativity

Image of an eye

There is an interesting nugget of neurology that I cam across recently, about the Reticular activating system (RAS). RAS is a function of the brain which decides what we focus on. It is the reason why, when you are considering blue as the colour for your new car, because, “I hardly ever see blue cars […]

Scaling the hill

Stormy skies

Have you ever done any hill walking?

If you have, you will no doubt recognise the feeling of setting out and seeing the peak you are aiming for as an eternity away. The eventual destination is hazy in the distance, perhaps obscured by clouds and a long way off. You walk and walk and walk […]

Writers drink!

image of a cup of tea

Long ago I was part of a writer’s forum where one rather chap would keep saying, over and over, “writers, WRITE!” By this he meant that a writer should writer every single day. I suspect he felt frustrated by those who would come to the forum and post regularly about how, someday, they would get […]