Inventing a religion

image of a drop of water

When you invent a kingdom for the purposes of fiction, you soon discover that you have to invent a wide range of other things too. That was certainly my experience with the Bremmand Chronicles. Not only did I have to think about the looks and occupations of Bremmand’s people, I had to consider their spirituality […]

Happy Christmas, Happy Reading

Image of a Barn Owl

When Balance of Betrayal was published in the spring, I wrote a series of blogs about some of the characters. One of them was, at the time, a mystery even to me. You see, I created Afrial as someone to be staunchly loyal and yet I never really explained why. Check out the original blog […]

The Twitter trickle

I’ve been pondering about social media recently. I became active on Twitter around this time last year and, according to a number of books, you can conquer the world this way. They paint a very tempting picture. All I need to do is sit back, throw a few tweets out into the ether and my […]

Making it memorable

In the UK, last night was Bonfire Night. For my international friends, all that means these days is that is an excuse to stand out in the freezing cold and watch fireworks. It’s history is more interesting. It’s proper name – Guy Fawkes Night – is more telling and it is the day the British […]

Channelling emotions

Quietly, step by step, the first draft of Age of Opppression is taking shape. My goal is to finish the first draft by the end of the year – which feels like a tall order at the moment especially as the section I’m working on is particularly challenging.

It isn’t that it is especially tricky […]