This close to “Sorry, no. I’m busy,” on the opportunity of my life

LEss than 1cm - how close I came to missing the opportunity

When opportunity comes knocking, will you be in? It is a trite question, I know, because, of course, if a golden opportunity comes your way, of course you are going to grab it. Why wouldn’t you?

But how can you tell if it is a ‘golden opportunity’?

That is the killer question I want to […]

Overcoming obstacles and three little words…

Image showing an obstacle

Every writer suffers obstacles on their journey. I overcame mine as a result of two brilliant questions. The most amazing thing about them is that came almost exactly 12 months apart and, as a combination, they changed EVERYTHING.

Some people who are reading this may have heard this story before. I make no apology for […]

Un-reality check

Last Tuesday – 2nd May – was my last day as a consultant. My last day as an ’employee.’ I’ve finished with the day job to pursue my dream of being a writer (and of becoming a ‘crazy cat lady’ – see last week’s post).

So, this is my life now. I’m a writer. I […]